The company BTA SR, s.r.o. was established in 2001 as a subsidiary of Belgium company BTA n.v. Kontrijk and in a short time reached leading position at the market in Slovakia and neighboring countries. Our customers are big textile manufacturers as well as middle and small companies mainly from Slovakia, Czech Republic, Poland, Austria, France and Belgium.
The activity of our company can be described in 3 principal points:
Our main assortment includes:
Based on your requirements we can quilt the material with chosen thickness and type of wadding. There are about 100 different kinds of quilting patterns available. There is also a possibility to make a specific pattern designed by you.
Contact with our customers is made through sales representatives who visit them personally with the latest collection of materials and special promotions and offers. The offer can be sent also by mail. Wide range of colors is available together with samples of materials and also accompanied by basic technical instructions. Of course, we can also provide complete technical information based on tests of our laboratory and manufacturers’ recommendations.
We will be happy to give you advice in our Call Center at our company in Presov where you can also order samples of colours, coupons or drapery, ask for technical information, find out the price of particular materials as well as the cost for the delivery to your company. In Presov you can also find samples of our permanent selection, the materials in special promotion, and the latest collection.
© 2006 B-T-A